Hi Blog! Audio is a HUGEEE part of making a great film. I would argue its much more important than visuals. So, lets talk about I am going to do about my audio.
Music!- The entire film opening will have instrumental audio that engages the viewer into the vibe of the film.
Voice Over!- I will have a "news reporter" narrating the film opening as if the opening is a breaking news story. I will do this by getting one of my friends and saying lines from a script that I have created. I will absolutely 100% use a high quality mic so the voice sounds amazing.
Car/Natural Sounds!- This is a major part of engaging the viewer into my film. I have very tiny magnetic DJI microphones that I can put onto the engine bay of a car to record the engine noise. For the natural sounds though, I have a Rhode mic that I will keep on my camera AT ALL TIMES to capture "Moments" and get very nice Nat sounds.
Stay tuned for more possible Audio techniques that I may use!
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