Saturday, March 15, 2025

CCR Production ideas!!

 Hi blog! 

I have no idea what to think yet! 


I just learned that this doesn't have to be a professional video :D

For Part one of my CCR I want me to wear a prisoner outfit that would resemble the aftermath of what happens in my film Midnight. I can have a police officer interrogate me which will keep my CCR entertaining and also creative that keeps within the theme of my production!

Ok thanks for reading bye

Friday, March 14, 2025

CCR Script 4

 How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware, and online - in this project?

I used allottt of technologies especially different software and hardware.  To shoot my film alone, I used four different cameras that are all perfect for difference scenarios. I integrated GoPro's and DJI products to all of the action high speed shots as they are assessable for special mounts to get the angles that I wanted. But for software, I didn't use as high variety as I did with hardware's but I used the different software's for what they were best with. Premiere Pro of course is the main source of software used to edit this entire production. It has almost everything I could need to edit this project. I also used After Effects to create the credit graphics because it has wide Varity of effects to make the credits look cool!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR Script #3

 How did your skills develop through out this project...

My skills developed allot. I came out of my shell big time. I was once a very introverted creator where I was to nervous to even film in public haha. Now with this being my first major production I went all out. I met so many people and had to reach out to people I was scared too such as the police department. I was developed my communication skills as well as my confidence to get this stuff filmed. I also developed a ability to set up shots super fast as many opportunities flew by extremely fast and I had to capture it. So yeah I would definitely say my skills had developed in a very good way. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

CCR Script #2

 How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text...

That's a great question, and honestly, I wanted to give the audience a very real feel to something that actually happens. The target audience of car enthusiast will be thrilled with the story that they will find, not exactly close to home, but a passion they can relate to. I know this from my personal experience when going to the movie's to watch a new racing movie or fast and furious movie (when they were good). But besides the target audience, to the people watching the movie in curiosity on what the movie is about, I believe they will not be disappointed. Like i said before, this movie has a very real feel and that alone will connect and engage the audience to what they're seeing. But besides that, for distribution we would distribute the film to all theaters in the United States and we may distribute to some countries across the world. I am choosing to distribute this production this way as the film attracts many people with the concept of the curiosity of something that's real. Street Racing is relatable and realistic throughout other parts of the world.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR Idea time.

 Hello there blog. 

Its time to switch it up and talk about my CCR's relating to my production. I want to make a video in the end a sports commentary with me and someone else discussing the questions prompted, but that a later thing.

Right now the first question ask: "How does my product use or challenge conventions, and how does it represent social groups or issues?"

Alright. If you ask anyone what they think of street racers, 99/100 times they have a dislike for them, and it makes sense. They can create chaos, fear, and anxiety to others on the road. Police have been equipping themselves with new vehicles and technology to fight against these drivers causing chaos to public roadways. My film, Mid-night follows those conventions almost perfectly with the new reporter telling the story of what the public and police feel about them.

Anyways, till next time blog!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Figuring out the correct way to structure the film opening

 Welcome back blog!

I got a little lost when trying to plan out how I wanted to structure my story and credits. Based off of what I have seen from sample projects, almost everyone just shows the credits as the story progresses which is the typical best way to do it. However, if you remember from my first blog post, I wanted to style my film opening like the one from Black Widow.

What do I do to structure it like black widow? 

I re-watched that film opening multiple times again. I took notes on what I discovered and I really like what they did. They opened up with the story, studio credits, and title. After that you are shown a short montage of the kids being transferred around. At the mid-point, that's where almost all of the credits come into play and the ending being more story and related topics. I am going to take inspiration from that and incorporate it into my film opening.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Utilizing transitions in editing

 Hi Blog! 

I noticed something didn't feel quite right with how the credits and actual video were flowing so I needed tot change something. I went to YouTube and found free transitions! These transitions are so amazing I personally love them.

What difference does it make besides looks?

Well, it does make the overall film look allot cooler, but I believe it brings allot more attention to the actual credits with the sound effects and flashing lights. If you think about it, no one cares to look at names just popping up, but if you make it look more appealing it fits right into the story and visually more pleasing to watch. 

Check out this snippet from my production 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Update on production progress

 Hi Blog! I have worked on my production in editing allot recently and I love how its turning out. I got access to Epidemic Sounds and it was amazing to find sound effects for my film to make it even better. The timeline in premiere pro is getting huge with audios and transitions! Here's a sneak peak:

CCR Production ideas!!

 Hi blog!  I have no idea what to think yet!  I GOT A  IDEA I just learned that this doesn't have to be a professional video :D For Part...