Friday, March 14, 2025

CCR Script 4

 How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware, and online - in this project?

I used allottt of technologies especially different software and hardware.  To shoot my film alone, I used four different cameras that are all perfect for difference scenarios. I integrated GoPro's and DJI products to all of the action high speed shots as they are assessable for special mounts to get the angles that I wanted. But for software, I didn't use as high variety as I did with hardware's but I used the different software's for what they were best with. Premiere Pro of course is the main source of software used to edit this entire production. It has almost everything I could need to edit this project. I also used After Effects to create the credit graphics because it has wide Varity of effects to make the credits look cool!

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CCR Production ideas!!

 Hi blog!  I have no idea what to think yet!  I GOT A  IDEA I just learned that this doesn't have to be a professional video :D For Part...